5 Tips to Fix Diastasis Recti (and Everything You Need to Know About It)

Diastasis Recti has plagued many women after birth. Normally during pregnancy the muscles of the abdomen wall inside of a woman is stretched, weakened and separated.

This takes place to allow the growing baby inside of the womb room to continue to grow. When a woman gives birth the separation of the abdomen muscle remains for a short time after but typically goes away after four to eight weeks as the muscles in the midsection retighten and take their normal shape.

However with some women their abdomen area never quite returns back to normal. It can look as though a woman is still pregnant long after she has already given birth. Women who have multiple children are especially at risk for this condition as the abdomen is repeatedly stretching.

Diastasis Recti can also lead to many health problems such as chronic lower back pain, constipation and urine leaking among other problems.

How to Determine if You Have Diastasis Recti

Seeking medical attention will help in determining if you have Diastasis Recti, but you can also check for yourself from the comfort of your home if you have Diastasis Recti in a few easy steps:

  • Step 1. Lay on your back on a flat surface.

  • Step 2. Bend your knees while having both feet planted on the ground

  • Step 3. Place one hand on the back of your head and lift both your shoulders and head off the ground as if you are trying to reach your midsection.

  • Step 4. Place your fingers in the middle of your abdomen and determine if there if are any gaps. If you do feel one and it is at least two fingers of space then you have Diastasis Recti. If you feel four or five fingers of space then you have a severe condition.

5 Tips on How to Fix Diastasis Recti

Sometimes further treatment of Diastasis Recti is not necessary as often times it will heal itself within just a few short weeks or months after giving birth. However in 40 percent of women the condition actually sticks around and leads to other more pressing issues.

Some women that have Diastasis Recti don’t even realize that they have it. There are a ton of things that women can do to not only solve their problems with Diastasis Recti but they can flat out avoid it all together if they follow a few of these tips:

1. Eat the Right Foods

Eating the proper food should be a goal of just about everyone. The body can replenish and heal itself at a much faster rate if it is fed the right nutrients. A diet that is based off unhealthy meals can lead to an imbalance and slow down the recovery process.

Eating healthy is always a plus but in order to combat Diastasis Recti you must have the right diet in order to do so. Fruits that are packed with vitamin C such as kiwis, oranges and berries are a good start. Vitamin A is another source of importance which can be found in kale, sweet potatoes and carrots.

Plenty of nuts, seeds and beans are a plus. Also protein is essential which can be found in various foods such as steaks, chicken and eggs. For those that stay away from meats fish is a great source of fatty acids which are critical as well.

What you are looking for is foods that boost the collagen levels which effectively can bring a return to the elasticity that your abdomen muscles are currently lacking.

2. Strengthen Your Core

Now let’s be clear—exercises such as crunches and sit-ups are very effective ways to strengthen your core. However, those are not the types of exercises that you should be targeting as they place too much pressure on your pelvic area.

Doing these workouts will actually have the reverse effect and cause the muscles to separate even more. Instead you should do workouts such as wall sits which you can do by placing your back against a wall and squatting down as if you were sitting on a chair.

Maintain a straight position and hold that spot for about two minutes. Another great workout would be a single leg lift. In this workout what you want to do is lay flat on the ground and bend one leg while having the sole of your feet on that same leg touching the ground.

Then with your opposite leg keep it as straight as possible and lift it ever so gently in the air no higher then just below your waist. After a few reps switch positions to the following leg. Side planks and standing thigh toners are other great workouts that will aid you as well.

3. Practice Diaphragm Breathing

Diaphragm breathing will help alleviate pressure inside of the abdomen. To do this simply lay down in a comfortable position with both hands on the sides of your rib cage.

From there breathe so that you can feel your ribs expanding. Try to remain as still as possible. Take in deep breaths through your nose and exhale deeply.

4. Check out Your Body Alignment

Re aligning your body and finding good posture can go a long way in your road to recovery from Diastasis Recti. The abdominal, pelvic and thoracic and are all in a vertical line.

That line can be thrown off once you become pregnant. Try to avoid such things as bending your knees and tucking your butt under. A perfect posture can go a long way towards getting rid of Diastasis Recti.

5. Do Pelvic Floor Exercises

Kegel exercises are an excellent way of helping with Diastasis Recti.

Not only can they help in getting your abdomen back to normal but they can also help prevent Diastasis Recti before it ever occurs as these exercises can be done throughout the entire pregnancy process as well.

Bonus Tip: Emsculpt Body Contouring

Emsculpt is a revolutionary body contouring treatment which is a non-surgical way to destroy unwanted fat in the abdomen and buttocks areas while simultaneously building muscle.

So, how can it benefit you?

Emsculpt has also been used to treat patients with Diastasis Recti, specially those suffering with it after pregnancy.

Cosmetic Blog

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