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The Secret to Longer Lasting Botox Is In Virginia and We’re Sharing It!

The secret to longer lasting Botox is here in Virginia, but it might not be what you think. 



The Secret to Longer Lasting Botox Is In Virginia and We’re Sharing It!

Eventually, we all want to rid ourselves of pesky fine lines and wrinkles. They can make us look older than we really are! If this is on your beauty to-do list, there is something you need to know.

The secret to longer lasting Botox is here in Virginia, but it might not be what you think. 

So, What’s the Big Secret?

It’s Daxxify! Like Botox, this cosmetic injectable is a neuromodulator, but with an exciting twist. It contains a peptide for extended outcomes, and it’s free of human or animal ingredients.

The treatment is swift, taking just a few minutes, and there’s no downtime for recovery to concern yourself with.

Exactly How Long Can I Expect Daxxify Results to Last?

Studies have shown they last about 50% longer than Botox. This means you’re looking at six months of younger looking skin, or more!

Is Daxxify Really Better Than Botox?

Millions of patients think so! Here’s why.

In addition to the fact that results last longer,  improvement in your appearance can be seen faster with Daxxify than with other neuromodulators. It also treats many of the same areas including crow’s feet, glabellar lines, and forehead lines

The only real downside is that it seems better suited for those who have previously had Botox. This is simply because Daxxify is fairly new to the aesthetics industry, and not everyone is sure how their body reacts to the new treatment. 

Are Injections Painful?

Not especially. You might feel a slight pinching sensation, but Daxxify injections are usually well tolerated. If pain is a concern, speak to your provider about a topical numbing cream. 

It’s Simple to Find Out If You Qualify for New Botox

If you’re in good health, 18 or older, and looking to effectively and safely eliminate dynamic lines and wrinkles, there is a great chance you’re an excellent candidate. The most straightforward way to confirm your eligibility is by arranging a consultation with your provider.

During this meeting, a medical evaluation is done to ensure it’s safe for you to proceed with treatment.

Be ready to share information regarding your medical background, health conditions, and medications. In order to create a plan to address your concerns, you’ll also be asked about your skin goals and expectations. 

What Should I Know About the Cost of Daxxify?

You can expect to pay about 50% more for sensational, longer lasting results. For instance, if you currently pay $13 to $14 per unit of Botox, you can expect to pay approximately $20 per unit for Daxxify

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Daxxify Results Longer

The truth is, whether you choose Daxxify or Botox, there are easy steps you can take to get the most from treatment. Follow these tips to make your injectables last as long as possible:

  • Level up your skin care regimen. Clearly, neurotoxins do a great job of getting rid of lines and wrinkles, but they don’t necessarily improve the health of your skin. That’s up to you!

Medical-grade skincare products are a smart way to decelerate the aging process. These products contain powerful active ingredients to boost your natural production of collagen and elastin. These proteins are key to maintaining a youthful appearance, as they help preserve your skin’s firmness and radiance.

  • Combine anti-aging treatments. You already know the secret to longer lasting Botox is here in Virginia, but did you know there are other fantastic options too? Dermal fillers, microneedling, and broadband light therapy can be combined with neuromodulators to enhance outcomes. 

A word of caution though. It’s important to check with your provider about when you can schedule additional treatments. It might be possible to combine fillers with Daxxify during the same appointment, but you might need to wait a period of time between injectables and other therapies. 

  • Use sunscreen. This one can’t be said enough! It’s common knowledge the sun can do severe damage to the skin. If you’re not already in the habit of wearing sunscreen daily, now is the time to start. Even on cloudy days, you need protection with an SPF of 30 or higher. 
  • Manage stress. It’s easier said than done of course, but here is why it matters. Stress causes your body to release more cortisol, known as the stress hormone, which initiates inflammation in the body. Prolonged high levels of stress can accelerate the breakdown of neurotoxins while also speeding up the aging process of your skin.

While it might take some practice, a work-home life balance is a good start. You can also try yoga, meditation, and / or carve out more time for activities you enjoy. 

  • Live healthfully. This means eating nutritious meals and engaging in regular exercise. Incorporate into your diet foods that boost skin health, and don’t forget hydration!

Water not only has a powerful impact on your body. It flushes toxins to improve skin tone, keeps acne away, speeds up healing, keeps skin tight, and aids in stopping premature aging. 

The Secret to Longer Lasting Botox Is Here in Virginia, and You’ll Find it at Dontage!

We offer our patients safe and effective treatments that enhance natural beauty. We take pride in providing Daxxify, a fantastic option for those seeking rejuvenation to reclaim a more youthful look.

The first step is easy – just book an appointment now with our experienced healthcare team. Give us a call at 703-436-1157, and let’s have a discussion about your personalized plan today!

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9 Proven Tips to Find the Top Botox Providers in DC

Choosing a good Botox injector is crucial for achieving the best results and saying goodbye to the aging process! For the top Botox providers in DC, be sure to follow these tips.



9 Proven Tips to Find the Top Botox Providers in DC

9 Proven Tips to Find the Top Botox Providers in DC

Fine lines and wrinkles are just a couple of the changes that happen as we get older, but thanks to Botox, we don’t have to just accept them anymore.

Choosing a good Botox injector is crucial for achieving the best results and saying goodbye to the aging process! For the top Botox providers in DC, be sure to follow these tips.

To Find the Top Botox Providers in DC, Follow These Tips

  • Get referrals, and look at online reviews.

The first step in choosing a good Botox injector is to get referrals. Speak to your friends and family members who have had injections and ask them about their experiences. If they have a great provider, they’ll be happy to share their information with you.

Additionally, you should take it one step further and read online reviews / testimonials to see what other people are saying. Look for ones that mention specifics, such as bedside manner, ease of scheduling appointments, and other details that might be important to you.

  • Check qualifications, including board certification and experience.

You want to choose an injector who is a licensed and board-certified healthcare professional and has extensive experience with cosmetic injections. Make sure they have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective treatments.

  • Schedule consultations to interview any Botox injectors you’re considering.

During these visits, you’ll be able to ask the injector questions about their qualifications, experience, and approach to Botox injections. You’ll also be able to get a sense of their bedside manner and whether you feel comfortable with them.

  • Avoid suspiciously low Botox prices.

While it may be tempting to choose an injector who offers rock-bottom prices, keep in mind that you often get what you pay for. A good injector will charge a fair price for their services based on their qualifications and experience.

  • Choose a provider that has a good eye for aesthetics.

Your Botox specialist should understand facial anatomy and be able to provide treatments that look enhance your features. Be sure to ask for evidence of this through before-and-after photos of their actual patients.

  • Make sure they can provide results that look natural.

You don’t want to end up with a “frozen” or “plastic” look after your treatment. A good injector will be able to provide subtle enhancements that look natural and help you look your best.

  • Look for a customized treatment plan.

Everyone’s skin is unique, and a good injector will take the time to develop a treatment plan that is customized to your individual needs and goals. During the consultation process, your specialist should evaluate your skin, ask about your specific objectives for treatment and your expectations, and review your health history to ensure your tailored plan is safe and effective.

  • Pay attention to the facility, looking for cleanliness, safety, warmth, and the latest amenities.

You want an injector who works in a clean, safe, and welcoming environment. The facility should be equipped with cutting-edge technology, giving assurance that they stay up to date with the latest treatments and techniques. The staff should be friendly, helpful, and inviting.

  • Be sure they offer complementary services.

The top Botox providers in DC offer a range of complementary services, such as dermal fillers, chemical peels, and skin care products, that can help you achieve your desired look and maintain your results.

While you don’t want to be sold on services you don’t need, oftentimes a comprehensive approach with a combination of treatments is necessary to achieve the results you desire.

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Does Daxxify in Rockville, MD Really Last Longer Than Botox?

Everyone’s talking about Daxxify because they say it lasts longer than the original Botox. Here’s what you need to know!



Does Daxxify in Rockville MD Really Last Longer Than Botox?

Have you been hearing all the buzz lately about the “new Botox” called Daxxify in Rockville, MD?

Everyone’s talking about it because they say it lasts longer than the original botulinum toxin formula known as Botox. Here’s what you need to know!

What Exactly Is Daxxify?

Daxxify, also known as Daxi, is a revolutionary take on neuromodulator injections that offer non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Unlike traditional Botox, Daxxify utilizes the unique Peptide Exchange Technology instead of using a human serum albumin.

This “new Botox” is designed to provide natural looking results with minimal discomfort, offering a versatile solution for those seeking a refreshed and youthful appearance without the need for invasive procedures.

Is Daxxify in Rockville, MD Actually Longer Lasting Than Botox?

Typically, Daxi lasts longer than traditional Botox treatments. While Botox effects may last around three to six months, Daxxify’s formulation extends the duration of results, providing patients with a more enduring solution to their aesthetic goals that lasts up to nine months.

So, yes, Daxxify in Rockville, MD really does last longer!

Do Daxxify and Botox Offer Similar Results?

Daxxify and Botox both share the common goal of addressing dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions. But how do they compare in terms of achieving this goal?

You can expect to achieve similar effects from either one. However, one may be better suited for your personal aesthetic objectives, so be sure to talk to an injector who offers both options and can formulate a personalized plan for you.

I Need Help Choosing Between the Two Anti-Aging Injections – Who Can Help?

Turn to the experts here at Moksha Aesthetics, where we don’t just administer Botox, Daxxify, and other neuromodulators, but we train injectors who offer them across the globe as well!

Call us today at 240-907-5009 to book your consultation with the area’s best to see which one is right for you.

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Botox vs. Daxxify Cost in DC: Which One Costs Less Long Term?

Let’s just jump right into it so you can learn more about these two remarkable neurotoxin injections with similar uses when it comes to reversing the aging process.



Botox vs. Daxxify Cost in DC

Daxxify is a newer treatment quickly gaining popularity in the cosmetic industry. On the other hand, Botox has been around for many years and is a tried-and-true treatment.

Both work as neuromodulators, temporarily paralyzing the muscles responsible for creating wrinkles to give the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance.

When it comes to the Botox and Daxxify cost in DC, one comes at a higher price point. However, it has a certain advantage over the other.

Let’s just jump right into it so you can learn more about these two remarkable neurotoxin injections with similar uses when it comes to reversing the aging process.

How Much Does Daxxify Cost in DC?

The cost per unit in the DMV area is typically $15 to $25 per unit, though it can be higher. The price is dependent on multiple factors, such as the skill and experience of your injector. Each aesthetic specialist is able to set their own pricing.

How Does It Compare to Botox in Terms of Price?

The Daxxify cost in DC is higher per unit than Botox, which comes in at around $10 to $19 per unit. However, Botox can be priced at up to $25 per unit. While there is a suggested retail price set by the manufacturer, Botox injectors can also determine their own price point.

Let’s Talk Longevity for These Two Amazing Cosmetic Injections

When comparing the cost of Daxxify to Botox, it’s clear that Daxxify is the more expensive option. However, it’s important to note that the cost of Daxxify may be worth it for those looking for a longer lasting treatment option.

  • Daxxify lasts up to nine months, with an average duration of six months.
  • Botox typically lasts two to five months, with an average duration of three to four months.

Daxxify Costs Less in the Long Run, but Not by Much

You may pay twice as much per unit, but the advantage is that you only have to return for follow-up visits half as often. To find out for sure which is the cheaper option, you need to determine the number of units you need to address the specific area you want to improve and multiply it by the cost per unit for each injectable.

So, Which One Is Better to Address My Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Ultimately, the goal is to achieve the desired look while ensuring safety and efficacy. You can achieve this with either one when targeting frown lines, which both Botox and Daxxify are FDA approved to treat. These are the vertical lines between your brows, also known as 11s or glabellar lines.

Botox is FDA approved to treat other dynamic lines as well. Both injectables can address a number of lines and wrinkles, but if you want to stick with the FDA approval, choose Botox for anything other than frown lines.

There are a number of other factors to consider before choosing one or the other, and it’s best to make your decision with a reputable injector who offers both neuromodulators. They will review your individual factors, such as your health history, the condition your skin is in, what areas you want to treat, and whether you’ve had neurotoxin injections before.

They’ll also go over the risks and benefits with you, along with pricing for each to help you reach your verdict. You may wish to try one and then the other on a later visit to see the differences up close and personal.

Find Out Whether Daxxify or Botox Is Your Best Option

You can find the area’s top injectors near DC offering the top neurotoxin injectables at Dontage. Call us at 703-436-1157, or book an appointment online now, and be on your way to amazingly refreshed skin!

We offer both Botox and Daxxify, as well as other neuromodulators and other treatments to help you put your best face forward. Let us create your customized treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic goals today!

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